


TIME: 10:30aM – 12:00aM

The first session is free. please email us to book your free session.

Join us, in circle every other week as we honour all that the fourth trimester brings. The tears, the exhaustion, the love, the joy, the worry…all of it is welcome - all of you are welcome.

This hour and a half is an opportunity to share openly about your postpartum experience, to feel held and connected to others who are on their own postpartum journey, to relax and bond with your baby, and to tap into that creativity that often eeks away in the haze of early parenting. Our time together will start with a relaxing tea and circle, where you can share without judgement. This will be followed by discussion, an open invitation to craft, and guided activities in response to the needs of the circle, designed to nourish both you and your new baby. Yoga mats are provided, but please bring blankets, cushions, and anything else that will help you feel relaxed and comfortable. We can’t wait to meet you!

Cancellation Policy:
Payment in full is required at the time of booking and is non-refundable. If you are unable to attend, please notify me at at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled session. We will try to accommodate any requests to reschedule, but this cannot be guaranteed. Any cancellations made after the 48-hour window will not be eligible for rescheduling.